Is Metaxication a Scam?

With Open Form Athens  June 28 7-10pm

Metaxication Inc. Reveals: what we are and why we do what we do so well.

Athens Subsumption, identifying itself as Metaxication Inc., an established corporation in the field of tracing international flows of capital, will host a focus group discussion around subsumptive process embedded in ‘’touristification” of place. A “creator” of integrated communication between companies & institutions with the most efficient means and established reputation for always bringing the extra value to each project, we work together. As a productive cohort, we will expand upon our current practice to develop marketable identities, enticing consumption of the exotic by offering new-ideals for distribution through social media. Our work/performance/ presentation will evolve the ‘end of tourism’ narrative we are developing for a start-up launch in the island of Lefkada, Greece. Our goal is to harness the shifting power dynamics within the realms of identity, authenticity and visual representation(s). During this process we will share our practices weaving together and connecting threads through the places we have encountered along the way that shape our current trajectory.

Metaxication Inc. reveals a new strategic approach currently in development. Honoring the seminal readymades of Marcel Duchamp, our Subsumption technology is on the cutting edge of the cut and paste frontier. We lower labor time and costs by cut and pasting directly from the corporate world, instantaneously transposing into a different conceptual context, reestablishing value and declaring it to be art. This Start-up business plan fully maximizes our ability to employ “detournement” of the Situationsts and contemporary “culture jamming” with a hackerspace ethos.